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The Solar System

Character Planets:
(Inner planets)
Sun, Moon, Mercury,
Venus and Mars.
Event Planets:
(Outer Planets)
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus,
Neptun and Pluto.

Planet Classifications:
Benefic-" Good"
Malefic-" Bad"

Planet Classifications:
Benefic-" Good"
Jupiter is the greater Benefic,
Venus is the lesser Benefic.
The Sun, Moon and Mercury
are moderately Benefic.

Planet Classifications:
Malefic-" Bad"
Saturn is greater Malefic,
Mars the lesser Malefic.
Uranus, Neptune and Pluto
are Malefic.

** The strength of a planet in a reading depends on:
1.)the sign position,
2.)horoscope placement,
3.) Aspect and motion.

A.) Dignified:
A planet that occupies
a sign it rules,
= Strengthened - pure form of energy.


** The Sun:**

It represents a person's vital
life force, the ego,the individuality,
the creative powers, the drive for
self-expression(ages 24-34) when ruled.

---The Sun governs these parts of the body:
the heart, back, spinal cord,
and right side of the body.


The Sun is a typical yellow main sequence star
- its mass, size, surface temperature and chemical
composition lie roughly midway between the extremes
exhibited by other stars. Even though it is the closest
star to our planet, its light still takes 8.3 minutes
to travel the roughly 93 million miles between the sun
and the earth.

6 32 3 34 35 1
7 11 27 28 8 30
19 14 16 15 23 24
18 20 22 21 17 13
25 29 10 9 26 12
36 5 33 4 2 31


The Sun, the giver of life, plays an important
role in the ancient civilisations. Many of the
worlds primitive people's regarded the sun as a deity,
the Assyrian and Babylonian sun god was called Shamash,
known as Mithras to the Persians, Ra to the Egyptians,
to the Aztecs he was known as Tezcatlipoca,
the 'smoking mirror', as Helios to the Greeks,
and the Romans as Sol and usually identified
with Phoebus and Apollo.

The Mayans were extremely accomplished at making
solar observations. At Chichen Itza, during sunset
a sun serpent rises up the side of the stairway
of the pyramid called El Castillo on the day of
Spring and Autumn Equinox. They also noted its
extremes at the solstices and spent large amounts
of time making ecliptic observations.

Cycle Of The Sun

Is a period of 28 years, at the end of which
the days of the month fall on the same days
of the week as they did 28 years previously.

Solar Influences

The Sun's astrological house Leo, and he represents
the vitality, general health, and life force;
the conscious identity and ego, the public life,
those in authority, and men in general.

It is the “who” you are at the very core of your being.
It is the True Self, without doubts, without fears,
without boundaries. It also describes how you
perceived and experienced your father or father-figure.

The Sun is associated with the element of Air.
In the physical body, the Sun rules the heart,
upper back, spine, wrists, and inherited
physical stamina. In colours, the Sun is associated
with orange, bright yellow, and gold, the gemstones
Carnelian, Citrine, Tiger's Eye, Amber, Quartz Crystal,
Red Agate and the metal of gold. Of the herbs,
the most common associations are, Marigold, Heliotrope,
Sunflower, Buttercup.

Of the trees the Sun is associated with Cedar,
Beech and Oak. The Sun is the natural ruler of gold.

In magickal workings and rituals call upon the
Sun for active change, advancement, creativity,
ego, fame, favor, friendship, growth, healing,
health, honor, hope, joy, leadership, life-energy,
light, monetary gain, personal fulfillment, power,
pride, promotion, self-confidence, success,
superiors, vitality. In is negative aspect
the Sun represents arrogance, bigotry and pride.

Astronomical data:
Sun's mean distance from Earth:
1 Astronomical Unit (AU); 150,000,000 km
Diameter: 1,392,530 km
Mass: 330,000 Earths
Density: 1.41 grams per cubic centimeter
Surface temp: 5,800 Kelvin
Rotational period:
25 days at the equator, 35 days at the poles

The table of Sun is a Six square, containing
36 numbers each adding in any direction,
to 111 with its sum being 666.
from this source..


** The Moon:
Emotionally react to people and
situations. (ages 0-7)

---The planet is associated with one's
inherited tendencies, early
backgrounds, and childhood development.
---- linked to subconscious-- memory
---- Receiver of energy
---- The Moon governs the stomach,
breast, mammary glands,
the womb conception, the fluids of the body
and the left side of the body.


The Earth and Moon form a double-planet system.
The Moon, the closest astral body to the Earth,
has had the most profound influences on mankind
than any of the other heavenly bodies.
The moon provided ancient man with their first calendar.
Many of its surface features are visible to the unaided eye.

Lunar Months.

The Moon is the only natural satellite of Earth.
It was called Luna by the Romans, Mani by the Norse,
and Selene by the Greeks. The Old English word mõnath,
is thought to mean month and a month is defined as
the time taken for one revolution of the moon.

The word moon is probably connected with the Sanskrit
root word men, meaning 'to measure', because time
has long been measured using the phases of the moon.
Similiar words occur in most of the Germanic languages,
Gothic - mena, Old Frisian - mona, Old Norman - mane,
Old English - mõna, German - mond, Dutch - maan
and Swedish - mån. Derivations of the Latin Luna
can be found in French - Lundi, Italian
- Lunedi and Spanish - Lunes.

The moon is called triform, because it presents
itself as either round, waxing, when the horns
face East, or waning when the horns face the West.

'...as the moon waxes and wanes, and walks three
nights in darkness, so the Goddess once spent
three nights in the Kingdom of Death.'

The Moon revolves around the Earth 13 times a year.
The lunar month, is the period of one revolution of the moon.
The mean length of the lunar month lasts 28 days,
which if you multiply by 13 gives you 364,
1 day short of a calendar year. Or the proverbial,
witches year and a day.

Lunar calendar dating usually starts on the
new moon nearest to the winter solstice (Dec 21st).

The Metonic Cycle

So called, from the name of the discoverer
Meton of Athens in the 5th century BC.
It is a period of 19 years, at the end of
which the phases of the moon repeat themselves
on the same days as they did 19 years previously.

The Callipic Period
This was a correction to the Metonic Cycle,
by the 4th century BC Astronomer Callipus.
It was to remedy a defect in the cycle,
Callipus quadrupled the period of Meton,
making a cycle of 76 years, and then deducted
a day at the end of it.

He calculated that the new and full moons
would be brought round to the same day and hour.
However, his calculation is not absolutely accurate,
as a one day is lost every 533 years.

37 78 29 70 21 62 13 54 5
6 38 79 30 71 22 63 14 46
47 7 39 80 31 72 23 55 15
16 48 8 40 81 32 64 24 56
57 17 49 9 41 73 33 65 25
26 58 18 50 1 42 74 34 66
67 27 59 10 51 2 43 75 35
36 68 19 60 11 52 3 44 76
77 28 69 20 61 12 53 4 45


In the Edda, the son of Mundilfoeri is Mani,
meaning Moon, and daughter Sol, meaning Sun.
In classical mythology, the moon was commonly
known as Hecate, before she had risen and after
setting. As Astarte, when the moon was crescent,
as Diana or Cynthia, she who hunts the clouds,
when in the open vault of heaven.

In the guise of Phoebe, she was seen as the
sister to the sun, Phoebus, and was personified
as Selene or Luna, the lover of the sleeping
Endymion, the moonlight on the fields.

Moon Folklore

The moon has given rise to many myths,
folklore and supersition, eclipses, when
the shadow of the Earth falls across the moon's
surface, were once thought to be an expression
of anger by a stellar deities, causing insanity,
disasters and ill-omens. The Senaca Indians
believe that the moon was created from a wolf spirit,
hence the reason why wolves howl at the moon.
Faery rings are supposed to be at their most
dangerous under a full moon, and humans caught
in the land of the Faery at this time would
be unable to escape.

Harvest Moon

The full moon nearest the Autumnal Equinox,
which rises for several days at about the same
time, around sunset, resulting in a longer
period of moonlight hours than usual.

Lunar Influences

Moons are celestial globes who do not have their
own orbit, but who circle around a planet.
Therefore the symbolic meaning of the Moon
is receptivity, reaction and reflection
(the Moon mirrors the sun-light, and a mirror
is a glass plate with a thin silver layer!)
The Moon has monthly phases, Waxing to Full Moon
and Waning to New Moon, and that her magnetism
is related to the rhythms of ebb and flood of
the tides. The Moon is further related to
femininity, motherliness, cycles and
(changeable) emotions.

The Moon's astrological house is the sign of Cancer,
it has an influence on domestic and nurturing issues.
It represents the unconscious, the habits and
instinctual behavior patterns we drift into when
we are not operating from the realm of ego
and consciousness.

The moon is associated with the Goddess,
who is often represented in her three aspects:
Maiden, Mother and Crone, and her corresponding
sacred colours white, red, black.
These aspects are mirrored in the phases
of the moon: waxing, full and waning.

The Maiden - Mother - Crone, all aspects of
the Triple-Goddess represent different types
of healing and growth.


Use the metal or the color silver in rituals,
spells or talismans concerning the Moon,
Moon Goddesses, the female force, cycles,
emotional and/or hormonal imbalances,
reflecting or neutralizing negativity,
dreams and intuition, psychic work and
psychic abilities. Wear silver jewellery to
improve fertility, emotional and hormonal stability.

Drawing Down The Moon

A Witches ceremony held on or near the
12th December, when the magic of the moon
is invoked in drinking and dancing.
The rite is dedicated to Bacchus,
the god of wine and fertility.


Magickal Intent: Love, Reconciliation, Scrying, Safe journeys.

Day of the Week: Moday, 1st. hour after sunset on a Thursday.

Colours: Silver, White

Element: Water

Metal: Silver

Gem: Pearl, Quartz crystal, Moonstone

Plant: Hazel, Peoney, Mugwort, Almond.

Incense: Jasmine, Frankincense, Sandalwood

Goddess: Selene, Artemis. Hecate,
(The Crone -dark of moon), Isis
Spirit Of The Air: West Wind

moon phases

Moon Phases in Magick
Dark of the Moon:
This phase marks the end or the beginning
or ritual works.

Waxing Moon:

This phase marks growth, the energy is positive.
This is a time for spells that attract,
that bring positive change, spells for love,
good luck, growth. This is a time for new beginnings,
to conceptualize ideas, to invoke. At this time the
moon represents the Goddess in her Maiden aspect,
give praise to Epona, Artemis or one of the other
Maiden Goddesses. The Maiden represents youth,
emerging sexuality, the huntress running with her hounds.

Full Moon:

This phase marks the peak of power. All things are
focused and concentrated. This is a time of strength,
love and power. At this time the moon represents
the Goddess in her Mother aspect, give praise to
Cerridwen, Isis or one of the other Mother Goddesses.
The Mother symbolizes feminine power, fertility,
and nurturing.

Waning Moon:

This phase marks negative and destructive energies.
This is a time of deep intuition and a time for
divination. At this time the moon represents
the Goddess in her Crone Aspect, give praise to
Hecate, Morrigan or one of the other Crone Goddesses.
The Crone is wisdom, the compassion which comes
from experience, and the one who guides us through
the death experience.

New Moon: the Moon is not illuminated by direct sunlight.

Waxing Crescent: the visible Moon is partly but
less than one-half illuminated by direct sunlight
while the illuminated part is increasing.

First Quarter: one-half of the Moon appears
illuminated by direct sunlight while the
illuminated part is increasing.

Waxing Gibbous: the Moon is more than one-half
but not fully illuminated by direct sunlight
while the illuminated part is increasing.

Full Moon: the visible Moon is fully illuminated
by direct sunlight.

Waning Gibbous: the Moon is less than full,
but more than one-half illuminated by direct
sunlight while the illuminated part is decreasing.

Last Quarter: one-half of the Moon appears
illuminated by direct sunlight while the
illuminated part is decreasing.

Waning Crescent: the Moon is partly but less
than one-half illuminated by direct sunlight
while the illuminated part is decreasing.v
Astrological Correspondences.

Moon in ARIES is the best time for spells involving
authority, rebirth, leadership; healing spells
of the face and head.

Moon in TAURUS is the best time for spells
involving love, money, acquisition;
healing spells for the throat and neck.

Moon in GEMINI is the best time for spells
involving communication, writing, travel;
healing spells for the arms, hands, and lungs.v
Moon in CANCER is the best time for spells
involving the home and for honoring lunar
gods and goddesses; healing of the chest and stomach.

Moon in LEO is the best time for spells
involving authority, courage, fertility;
healing of the upper back, spine, heart.

Moon in VIRGO is the best time for spells
involving employment, health, diet;
healing of the intestines and nervous system.

Moon in LIBRA is the best time for spells
involving justice, unions, balance
(spiritual and otherwise), artistry;
healing of the lower back and kidneys.

Moon in SCORPIO is the best time for spells
involving power, psychic growth, sex;
healing of the reproductive organs.

Moon in SAGITTARIUS is the best time for
spells involving travel, sports, truth, horses;
healing of the liver and thighs.

Moon in CAPRICORN is the best time for
spells involving organization, ambition,
career, politics; healing of the knees,
bones, teeth, skin.

Moon in AQUARIUS is the best time for spells
involving science, freedom, friendship,
breaking bad habits or addictions;
healing of the calves, ankles, blood.

Moon in PISCES is the best time for spells
involving music, art, telepathy, dreams;
healing of the feet and lymph glands.v
Astronomical data:

Mean distance from Earth: 384,400 km
Diameter: 3,476 km
Mass: 0.0123 Earths
Density: 3.34 grams per cubic cm
Surface temperature: 248 F to -274 F
Orbital period (Synodic): in mean length
29 d. 12 h. 44 m. 2.87 s.

Orbital period (Nodica):
in mean length 27 d. 5 h. 5 m. 36 s.

Orbital period Sidereal):
in mean length 27 d. 7 h. 43 m. 11.5 s.

Orbital period (Anomalistic):
in mean length 27 d. 13 h. 18 m. 37.4 s.

Orbital period Tropical):
in mean length 27 d. 7 h. 43 m. 4.7 s.

Orbital period (Solar):
in mean length 30 d. 10 h. 29 m. 4.1 s.

Rotational period: 27.3 days

The Synodical Month, or period from
one new moon to the next.

The Nodical Month, or time of
revolution from one node to the same again.

The Sidereal, or time of revolution from a
star to the same again.

The Anomalistic, or time of revolution
from perigee to perigee again.

The Tropical, or time of passing from
any point of the ecliptic to the same again.

The Solar month, the time in which the sun
passes through one sign of the zodiac.

The table of the Moon is a Nine square,
containing 81 numbers each adding in any
direction, to 359 with its sum being 3321.

from this source.. Moon












****Information gathered from Compendium of Astrology
by Rose Lineman and Jan Popelka@ 1984 ****

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